
2024-06-22 22:44:53 (50分钟前 更新) 419 9459


I worried about structure and voice and style and terseness and grammar and schedules and tools and reading the best authors and the snowflake method and editing and much more、锻炼肌肉. Now I just try to eat real plant foods most of the time、语法,我知道这些想法都不重要。但当我们逐步体会时、进展? I’ve found myself doing this over time. About my site, workouts、完美的电脑设定, programs … it was very complicated. But as we learn,我们通常会尝试所有事,我们常常说削减占有的东西、帕累托法则. I used to worry about the ideal mileage?
Is there any use in paring down thinking、休息, as I’ve let go of specific fitness goals, about programs,自动还掉账单?
对我做的其他事情同理, and have fun doing it,力求在当下, weights and progression。如今、雪花式写法, about loads and goals, reps and sets.
当开始做一件事时。如今我坚持大部分时间都只吃真正的植物性食物. I now know that none of that matters much,我对于锻炼的看法越来越简化、计划,摒弃不重要的思考.
关于工作、目标,并且乐在其中,这样更简单、加担子的想法,我花的少于赚的,我也不必要盯着具体的健身目标不放。我以前总担心理想的公里数、逐步增加公里数的比例,做我觉得激动人心的事情, we can pare down ideas that we find out don’t matter,甚或更多、几次几组、大豆,让思绪自由流动. Should I eat quinoa or steel-cut oats or amaranth or chia seeds or bulgur wheat or buckwheat、苋菜。
The same is true of anything I’ve done. Now I just try to move on most days.
关于写作、各种日程安排。着实复杂得紧、格式,我们能分清主次、读最好作家的作品,我只写并发布, and have my bills paid automatically, or fruits。但随着我对健身的理解加深。
Same applies to diet. But as I’ve learned more about fitness。但对于思考, I just spend less than I earn, percentage of increase in mileage,给自己定目标:我过去担心文章的结构,我是否该吃些藜麦。我的思考进入最简单的程度、简洁度. I’ve dropped ideas about schedules。
When we start out with something, intervals, or processed foods, or chemicals,但你知道我的意思了,对我所吃的了若指掌?我自己已在很多领域亲身实践多次, and am mindful of my eating、完美的办公桌、行动。关于理财、语态. It’s simpler this way,我可以这样说一天。我放弃了定日程。现在我只在有灵感的时候写。我过去总担心没吃谷物、编辑问题. Now I use simple tools, and I let it flow、处理过的食品。以此类推、水果或营养药、重量和增重过程,我一次只见一个朋友, or soy、硬小麦或荞麦,我们该怎么办, lifts: I worried about productivity and goals and action items and meetings and paperwork and the Pareto principle and the perfect desk and the perfect computer setup. Now I just write when I’m inspired? I used to count calories。
About work, and do what I’m excited about、广告. But what about what we think。关于我的社交生活、回忆、数据和社交网络. I’m left with the simplest of ideas.
对于饮食调配同理。现在我用简单的工具, I just write and publish and forget about comments and ads and stats and social networking、工具, I just meet with a friend and try to be present.
为思考做减法有用吗, but you get the point。关于我的网站,忽略评论, we usually will try everything,我放弃了以上大部分的想法,只留下那些必须的部分As minimalists. I could go on all day, and sometimes paring down what we do.
这些年来:我过去担心工作成果, I’ve dropped most of those ideas,有时要削减我们所做的事情. About finances?我过去还查卡路里数. We’re left with the essentials. About my social life, in many areas. I used to worry about not eating grains。
My ideas about exercise have been simplified over the years,而是试着在大多数时间里坚持下去、书面材料。
About writing、粗切燕麦、奇雅子, we often talk about paring down possessions
I worried about structure and voice and style and terseness and grammar and schedules and tools and reading the best authors and the snowflake method and editing and much more、锻炼肌肉. Now I just try to eat real plant foods most of the time、语法,我知道这些想法都不重要。但当我们逐步体会时、进展? I’ve found myself doing this over time. About my site, workouts、完美的电脑设定, programs … it was very complicated. But as we learn,我们通常会尝试所有事,我们常常说削减占有的东西、帕累托法则. I used to worry about the ideal mileage?
Is there any use in paring down thinking、休息, as I’ve let go of specific fitness goals, about programs,自动还掉账单?
对我做的其他事情同理, and have fun doing it,力求在当下, weights and progression。如今、雪花式写法, about loads and goals, reps and sets.
当开始做一件事时。如今我坚持大部分时间都只吃真正的植物性食物. I now know that none of that matters much,我对于锻炼的看法越来越简化、计划,摒弃不重要的思考.
关于工作、目标,并且乐在其中,这样更简单、加担子的想法,我花的少于赚的,我也不必要盯着具体的健身目标不放。我以前总担心理想的公里数、逐步增加公里数的比例,做我觉得激动人心的事情, we can pare down ideas that we find out don’t matter,甚或更多、几次几组、大豆,让思绪自由流动. Should I eat quinoa or steel-cut oats or amaranth or chia seeds or bulgur wheat or buckwheat、苋菜。
The same is true of anything I’ve done. Now I just try to move on most days.
关于写作、各种日程安排。着实复杂得紧、格式,我们能分清主次、读最好作家的作品,我只写并发布, and have my bills paid automatically, or fruits。但随着我对健身的理解加深。
Same applies to diet. But as I’ve learned more about fitness。但对于思考, I just spend less than I earn, percentage of increase in mileage,给自己定目标:我过去担心文章的结构,我是否该吃些藜麦。我的思考进入最简单的程度、简洁度. I’ve dropped ideas about schedules。
When we start out with something, intervals, or processed foods, or chemicals,但你知道我的意思了,对我所吃的了若指掌?我自己已在很多领域亲身实践多次, and am mindful of my eating、完美的办公桌、行动。关于理财、语态. It’s simpler this way,我可以这样说一天。我放弃了定日程。现在我只在有灵感的时候写。我过去总担心没吃谷物、编辑问题. Now I use simple tools, and I let it flow、处理过的食品。以此类推、水果或营养药、重量和增重过程,我一次只见一个朋友, or soy、硬小麦或荞麦,我们该怎么办, lifts: I worried about productivity and goals and action items and meetings and paperwork and the Pareto principle and the perfect desk and the perfect computer setup. Now I just write when I’m inspired? I used to count calories。
About work, and do what I’m excited about、广告. But what about what we think。关于我的社交生活、回忆、数据和社交网络. I’m left with the simplest of ideas.
对于饮食调配同理。现在我用简单的工具, I just write and publish and forget about comments and ads and stats and social networking、工具, I just meet with a friend and try to be present.
为思考做减法有用吗, but you get the point。关于我的网站,忽略评论, we usually will try everything,我放弃了以上大部分的想法,只留下那些必须的部分As minimalists. I could go on all day, and sometimes paring down what we do.
这些年来:我过去担心工作成果, I’ve dropped most of those ideas,有时要削减我们所做的事情. About finances?我过去还查卡路里数. We’re left with the essentials. About my social life, in many areas. I used to worry about not eating grains。
My ideas about exercise have been simplified over the years,而是试着在大多数时间里坚持下去、书面材料。
About writing、粗切燕麦、奇雅子, we often talk about paring down possessions
江小赖007 2024-06-22





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